At Santa Clarita Youth Soccer league, we believe our youth should receive a fair, optimal soccer experience. Our league is geared towards children having fun, developing soccer skills, and balanced teams. No matter what level of skill your child is at, there is a place for your child to play at SCYSL. We have a rating system installed at each initial evaluation where we color code each entering player. Children will be rated from beginner (green), intermediate (blue), advanced (red), or somewhere in between depending on the players entering skill level. This will be our guide when developing balanced teams. Volunteer coaches can receive help on how to coach their teams, or coaches can use their own programs and train their teams their own way. Our sign up process is fast and easy. Volunteer coaches can receive a 50% off credit towards one players tuition per season. One credit per coach.

Santa Clarita Youth Soccer League has adopted a zero tolerance policy in order to prevent physical assault, and verbal abuse during events. Each coach, parent, player, and spectator will abide by their code of conduct.
Teasing, taunting, disrespect towards anyone, foul language, bullying of any kind (cyber, physical, or verbal) will not be tolerated in this league. No one may disrespect any referee for any call. No parent may challenge any call made by a referee. A referee will give one warning (yellow card) then, any spectator out of control can be red carded and asked to leave by the referee, coach or commissioner. No fighting will be tolerated whatsoever. Local authorities will be contacted in the event of an un necessary physical altercation. No child abuse will be tolerated (emotional, physical, cyber, neglect) by any parent, coach, player, or spectator at any game, practice or league event.

Respect: A coach is one who leads by example, showing respect to others, oneself, and the organization they represent. A coach respects the boundaries that the player and a coach must have, and understands the zero tolerance policy the league has in place protecting any child from bullying and child abuse of any kind (emotional, physical, cyber, neglect). A coach respects referees, parents, opponents and officials. A coach respects all individuals and treats everyone equally regardless of their: age, sex, religion, race, language, socioeconomic status, ethnic origin, or disabilities. A coach respects the privacy of an athlete and their family. A coach respects promises and keeps to them.
Fairness: A coach is fair, they show no favoritism or any special treatment to any one athlete for any reason. A coach gives all players the same opportunities during training.
Integrity: A coach always shows integrity. A coach should keep a high moral standard an always act as a role model for their athletes. All coaches must pass a background check to coach.

Demonstrate a positive attitude: Parents please remember this league is for the children and we want to create a positive atmosphere where we all trust, respect, collaborate, and remain kind to eachother.
Maintaining healthy relationships: This is not only for the parents but for the players and coaches as well. Each season we will be trading players and everyone will be on different teams, as no one team will remain the same. Its positive to maintain a healthy relationship with your opponent and opposing parent because you might end up on the same team next season.
Spectate, cheer, and enjoy yourself: So many times parents get so caught up in the game they end up forgetting to let the coach do their job. Only coaches may coach. Please remember parents must cheer on their child and not coach. This will confuse the child on who to listen to. Your child needs your support on game day as a parent and not a coach.
Respect: Please respect your children's opponents, coaches, referees and league officials. No harrassment, bullying, or negativity towards any player/person will be tolerated. Parents can be red carded by any referee and asked to leave if found being disrespectful.

Respect: All players will have respect for all coaches, team mates, opponents, parents, referees and league officials. no swearing, bullying, harassing, disrespect, teasing, cyber bullying or fighting will be tolerated at any time. All players will have respect for the game, its laws, and play the game fairly. Players will respect the team and play for the good of the team and play their best at all times.
Sportmanship: All players will maintain good sportsmanship before, during, and after games, other teams are opponents not enemies. All players will conduct themselves with honor and dignity. Players must be gracious in a loss, and modest in a win. Players may not argue with any referee over any call, only team captains may address a referee respectfully.
HAVE FUN: Remember that winning isn't everything and to just have fun competing, players should only play for themselves and not for their parents sake. no child will be forced to play.

Our leagues rating system for our new athletes entering the league will be determined on your initial evaluation day. Once you have been evaluated your child’s rating (advanced, intermediate, beginner) will be archived and updated as they continue to play here. Coaches will have a spectrum of talent on each team, and different players each season. Teams will have a limit on the number of players per team, and all teams will have the talent divided evenly.
Evaluations are for new players only, returning players are evaluated by the coach and the director through out the duration of the season. This rating system will help ensure all teams are balanced each season.
Our goal with our rating system is to ensure that the teams are as balanced as possible, and each child is surrounded by players of all skill levels.

All divisions are co-ed
4U (AGES 3-4)
Non-competitive. Developmental division.
7U (AGES 6-7)
9U (AGES 8-9)
12U (AGES 10-11-12)
14U (AGES 13-14)
Games shall be conducted with the current FIFA laws of the game with the following clarifications and exceptions.
Ball size 3
(4) 6 minute quarters. 1 min breaks between quarters. 2 min halftime. All parents must bring snacks for their own children.
No offsides, no slide tackle, no headers, no penalty kicks.
Free substitutions, game must be stopped
5 players on each team, 3v3
No goalies
Equipment: Soccer cleats (no metal), shin guards, no jewelry, glasses should have strap. (includes practice and games)
Make sure all fields are trash free after games.
Game times will be strictly enforced, 15 minute wait time before forfeit.
Each team will have a coach on the field as a coach and referee.
No spectators behind the goals.
Ball size 3
Game is 4x7 minute quarters with 1min breaks, and 2 minute half time breaks. All parents must bring snacks for their children only.
Every child must play 14 mins.
Free substitutions, game must be stopped
No yellow/red cards.
no headers, no slide tackles.
Goalkeeper can punt.
Opposing players must back up 20 yards from goal line after goalkeeper has possession of the ball. Build out.
Opposing players must back up 20 yards from goal line for goal kicks. Build out.
6 players per team
No goalkeepers.
Equipment: Soccer cleats (no metal), shin guards, no jewelry, glasses should have strap, (includes practice and games).
Game times will be strictly enforced, 10 minute wait times before forfeit.
Coaches are on field coaching the children and reffing the game.
No spectators behind the goals.
Ball size 3
Game is 4x12 min with 2 min. breaks. All parents must bring snacks for their own children.
Every child must play 24 min.
Free substitutions, games must be stopped.
10 players per team.
1 Goalkeeper 7 field players
Offsides, no headers, no slide tackles
No yellow and red cards.
Equipment: Soccer cleats (no metal), shin guards, no jewelry, glasses must have strap (includes practice and games)
Game times will be strictly enforced, 15 minute wait times before forfeit.
Only coaches may coach.
No spectators behind the goals.
Ball size 4
Game is 4X12 min with 2 min breaks.
All parents must bring snacks for their own children.
Every child must play 24.
Free substitutions, game must be stopped.
10 players per team.
1 Goalkeeper 7 field players.
Offsides, no headers, no slide tackles.
Yellow card: 5 min. penalty, substitutions ok.
Red card: Player misses next game, no substitutions.
Equipment: Soccer cleats, (no metal) shin guards, no jewelry, glasses must have strap. (includes practice and games)
Game times will be strictly enforced, 15 min wait times before forfeit
Only coaches may coach.
No spectators behind goals.
• Ball size 4• Game is 4x12 min. quarters 2 min breaks.• All parents must bring snacks for their own children.• 10 players per team.• 8v8• 1 Goalkeeper and 7 field players.• Offsides, no headers, no slide tackles.• Yellow and red cards can be distributed. • Equipment: Soccer cleats, no metal, shinguards, no jewelry, glasses must have strap, (includes practice and games). • Game times will be strictly enforced, 15 min wait times before forfeit.• Only coaches may coach. • No spectators behind goals.
• Ball size 5• Game is 4x12 min. quarters 2 min breaks.• All parents must bring snacks for their own children.• 10 players per team.• 8v8• 1 Goalkeeper and 7 field players.• Offsides, no headers, no slide tackles.• Yellow and red cards can be distributed. • Equipment: Soccer cleats, no metal, shinguards, no jewelry, glasses must have strap, (includes practice and games). • Game times will be strictly enforced, 15 min wait times before forfeit.• Only coaches may coach.• No spectators behind goals.

Tuition includes: 8 games
1 full kit. (Jersey, shorts, socks)
Team picture
Player tuition: $225
All games will be played on
Games start in March, no games on holidays.
All online registrations must fill out an application first.
All players must be evaluated to enter the draft.
After payment the child MUST come to an evaluation date. TBA
Evaluation dates and information will be on our website and Instagram.

Player Tuitions
SPRING SEASON BEGINS IN MARCH! Please add your email to my website so you are on my email list. This is the best way to stay up to date with league updates.
Please wait to fill out your application until you are ready to make payment and registration has opened. You must make a payment to our Venmo to reserve your child’s spot for the season, filling out an application will not save a spot for a child,
Returning players do not need to be evaluated. Our next available evaluation date is:
Sunday February 9th 2025
1130am -9u
Valencia Heritage Park
8 games
European club soccer kit: Jersey, shorts, socks
(Child needs to purchase cleats and shin guards separately)
Team picture
Your practice date and time will be determined by the coach that drafts your child. Most coaches practice in either valencia or canyon country. If you have an issue with your practice date, please place the city you prefer to practice on your application, this is not a guarantee, we will do our very best to find a coach that works for you.
This evaluation date is not your team meeting or a try out, this is an aptitude test so we know where to place your child talent wise. All teams have and even amount of advanced, intermediate, and beginners players.
Every division has children that have never played before or are playing for the first time, so don’t worry if this is your first time playing, this is the best place to start. EVERY division has beginners.
Please come to your evaluations in cleats and shin guards.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Kevin Morales
Only making a payment to our Venmo will reserve your spot for the season. Please contact me if you have any questions, or if you are interested in coaching please let me know.
Kevin Morales
click link to access application